Wilson wins Richard Gray Memorial Scholarship
Jiaxin Sun and Angel Sun (postdocs) --Welcome to the lab!
Josue's first author paper is featured on the cover of Journal of Neuroscience
NIH grant R03TR005086 (Illuminating the function of CACNA2D4 in inherited retinal dystrophies) is funded
Christof and Wai lin graduate!
Josue publishes first author paper in Scientific Reports
Amy is elected to the Council of the Society of General Physiologists
Annette publishes first author paper in PlosOne
Competing renewal of R01EY026817 is funded!
Brittany and Wes publish review in Annual Review of Vision Neuroscience
We have moved to UT-Austin!
Josue successfully defends PhD
Joseph publishes first-author paper in J Neuroscience Methods
Lee Lab receives NIH grant, R03 TR002916 Illuminating the functions of CACNA2D4 in the brain ​​
Wes is awarded individual postdoctoral NRSA (F32 EY029953, Voltage-gated calcium channels in the development of photoreceptor synapses) ​